Top 10 things boys should take care of to impress the girl they have a crush on - theloveslang | karnarty

1 .Listen to her -

This seems easy but it's not. People when having a debate or discussion often prioritise on what they want to hear and never end up noticing a feeble voice from a corner trying to make an entry into the conversation. They think they listen to everyone but no they don't. When a girl is sitting with you in a gang make sure that everyone listens to her thoughts and know how she feels. Best way to do this is to ask for her opinion, conveying indirectly that her opinion matters. That's a heads up for you because now you are no longer in her friendzoned list.

2. Text her first -

This one is easy. But that does not mean a good morning and a good night would suffice. Talk to her and be very casual. Engage in conversations which u would normally do with your friends. Keep this as a regular habit, so that she gets used to the fact that when she gets up in the morning your name always pops up in the message box. But whenever your busy , then just because u never texted …. Surprise !! She will text u first. Win win !!

3. Make Eye Contact -

Women like confident men. That's an obvious thing. You don't need to be a jerk and look flirty enough to scare her away. Look straight into her eyes while she talks. Look at her when she enters the room. Look at her when she is sitting with a bunch of people along with you. Do not try a lame romantic look( you don't need to try that hard, just look …. Not in a creepy way you can smile)

4. Say Hi! -

I know sometimes you feel why the heck she notices and never says hi. Don't be the shy person here when considering the fact that you are the one persuing her. Girls say hi too! But literally don't wait for it. Sometimes when you never say Hi first !! She might end up thinking you have an attitude. Girls hate attitude in guys , cuz !! Only girls can pull it off sexily, not boys.

5. Ask her out casually -

When you are speaking to her , try to tell her what your plans are for the weekend and ask her about HER plans. Usually she would say just chilling at home and nothing else. That's the que for you to ask if she wants to come hiking or trekking with you. If you are a shy guy don't worry , asking her to join your group of friends would be great too. That's is not exactly a date but you would now have a stronger relationship as friends.

6. Hold the door for her -

This shows concern and care. If you don't show that via this particular action then I don't think you can have a girl in future. Girls notice everything​ about you, you should know that. They notice if you hold the door or not. The first thing that a girl thinks when you don't hold the door is that , you are a self centered person who has 0 percent interest in her. That's is the least you would want. Also do not try to avoid helping her with anything that she asks you.

7. Compliment her -

You do not need to do this often. But atleast try to once in a while just to show that you do notice her. That means a lot to girls. Some statements as simple as “ pretty dress” stays in their head for a week. (Trust me!!)

8. Do not flirt with other girls around her !! Nahh never works -

This is a huge myth that says ,.. boys who flirt around with other girls in front of their crush have 90 % chance to make her jealous and also convey indirectly that the boy is limited edition (Mr Charming ) . A Girl who already has a bunch of boys trying to impress her might never second to the thought that you are genuinely interested in her when u go around flirting with others. No don't do that!!! (Major Fail)

9. Be Mysterious and Easy to talk to at the same time -

I know that this is confusing. But this one is very simple. Do not tell her everything that has ever happened in your life. Let her keep guessing till the end. But also do not be too silent when she trying to have a hearty conversation with you. There are multiple ways of expresing your emotions without letting out your past details. If you don't know how to express , then ask her about how she is able to express so perfectly.( Way to compliment lies here)

10. Dress decent -

Last but not the least , this one is the toughest. Boys being casual makes them think they are the cool dudes of the universe. No boys you need to buckle up and know how to groom yourself. Girls are not that picky when it comes to boys. Remember it's not the girls who marry beautiful men. It is always the other way round. So don't worry if you are not beautiful(handsome). Girls fall for the personality i,e the way boys carry themselves and the way they talk and move. You don't need to dress expensive, just dress simple but classy.

11. Tease her a little -

Do not go over the top by humiliating her infront of everybody. Do it in a mild way and make her laugh. This will make her think that you see her as a close friend and not just a friend.

Hope this helped you

Thankyou ❤️❤️❤️
