Psychological Facts About Love - Karnarty

Talkative girls and silent boys make the best couples.

Cuddling Releases Natural Painkillers.

When Two Lovers Gaze At Each Others’ Eyes, Their Heart Rates Synchronize.

It only takes up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not.

Men fall in love faster than women.

It makes you more empathetic and in tune with your emotions.

Most women are attracted to men who possess a strong sense of humor as it indicates higher intelligence and honesty

If you hold hands with someone you love, it can help alleviate physical pain as well as stress and fear.

Women's tears have been biologically proven to reduce testosterone levels and arousal in men.

When a man finds someone attractive, he may suck-in his gut, flex his muscles, and take postures that make him appear taller and stronger.

Thinking Of Love And Sex Influences Creativity And Concrete Thinking, Respectively

Attachment + Caring + Intimacy = Perfect Love

Butterflies In The Stomach Are Real And They’re Actually Caused by Adrenaline

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