Motivational quotes to inspire you today - karnarty

When I gaze deep into your message mind ,
I am met with the beauty of a thousand diamond . As
I let that love and Beauty flood over my body , I know
That there was nothing that I would ever trade our
Relationship for .

When I tell you I love you , I don't
Say it out of habit . I say it to remind
You that you're the best thing that 
Ever happened to me. 

When you feel alone , just look at the
Spaces between your fingers and remember
That's where mine fit perfectly .

Whenever you're having a bad day ,
Remember this : I LOVE YOU .

You are my best friend, my human diary ,
And my other half . You mean the world
To me and I love you .

You are my world

You have no idea how fast my heart
Races when I see you.


You never fail to amaze me. Every day there is something new that makes me love you even more than the day before .

Thank you ❤️
