Deep Meaning in a single picture - theloveslang - karnarty

(Image source by Picolo-kun)

In this picture 
In Greek mythology, the wax-boy in this picture (Icarus) is the son of a master craftsman named Daedalus.

Daedalus and Icarus were imprisoned in a high tower in the famous Labyrinth of Greek Legend. And so, being the master craftsman he was, Daedalus planned an escape. He created wings attached with wax, though it would not hold for long. If he and his son maintained a perfect zone in between the sun and the sea waves while they flew, they would be able to escape as planned before the wax wore off.

“Icarus,” Daedalus warned, “if you fly too close to the seawater, it will spray the wax off. If you fly too close to the sun, the wax will melt away.”

Overwhelmed by freedom, Icarus flew too close to the sun. His wax melted and he plummeted into the sea.

In this illustration, Icarus grew too attached to the beautiful and free sun, leading him to — inevitably — melt and fade away.

Thankyou ❤️
